
street photograph by mac david

A note about Bach from the Dead

Hello, Internet. This is Andy Sexton, I'm the writer/director of Bach from the Dead.

Bach from the Dead has been a long time coming. Ever since I shot the original fake trailer in 2008 (I don't recommend watching it), I've been slowly working on my skill with a camera. I got tired of honing, so now we're doing the real thing.

Bach from the Dead is hard to describe without it sounding idiotic- simply, it's a comedy, but with action and suspense elements thrown in. Plus a dash of Looney Tunes. It's an homage to the action movies of the 80s, where cops didn't give a shit about the law, and villains didn't really have a viable plan. Our main goal is to make you laugh as much as possible.

We've been filming since late 2010, and we're aiming to be finished by the end of 2011. We have a great cast, including Josh Kay, Blake Lindsey, Han Htet, Adrian Moss, Eddie Keeling, and a whole mess of other folks. Our music is being done by the super talented Julian Forte - our score will be as eclectic as the movie's genres.

Thanks for visiting the site. For the most up-to-date info on the movie, including clips, behind-the-scenes photos, and other useless crap, head on over to Facebook.